Willow Tree Baby

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Our collection of Demdaco willow tree figurines for babies can provide you with a beautiful and meaningful gift. If someone you love is having a baby, these figurines can be something special to give them. Be sure to shop our other collections of Demdaco figurines to find more religious gifts.

Hold lose that which we hold dear...“This piece can be about the feeling you get from holding a child, or the child can represent something you want to protect ... a person, a memory, a relationship, a dream, a belief. Thus, the sentiment ‘hold close that which we hold dear’ can refer to someone or something tangible — or intangible and ethereal.”

Willow Tree Angel's Embrace, 26084

Hold lose that which we hold dear...“This piece can be about the feeling you get from holding a child, or the child can represent something you want to protect ... a person, a memory, a relationship, a dream, a belief. Thus, the sentiment...